
My Crossfit journey began in January 2014. I was about 4 months postpartum from my second son. I had never been active, at least not for any real length of time. Anything I had tried in the past, didn’t seem to stick. I had a cousin who did Crossfit and raved about it so I decided to try it. I was very nervous, but I am so grateful I walked in to that gym.

I am not exaggerating when I say, it changed my life! It was the most challenging thing I had ever attempted, but the people immediately made me feel welcome. The coaches helped me understand the movements and scaled everything down to my abilities. The encouragement I received when I felt like giving up, made me fight through. I slowly started getting stronger and faster. I think back to when I began, to the things I couldn’t do or things that I thought I would never be able to do and I’ve surpassed all those challenges and more. When I began, I could barely run 200 meters. I recently completed an 8k race. I could barely do an assisted pull up, I am now able to do a strict pull up. I could barely get into a handstand position, now I can do a handstand push up. Every time I come to class I push myself beyond what I think I am capable. There is simply no better feeling than competing against yourself, and winning.

Once I focused more on my eating habits as well, my body really changed. I began Crossfit at 41% body fat! I am currently at 26.5%. I have lost a little over 20 pounds. I have gone periods of time not losing any weight but still lose fat or inches, replacing that fat with muscle. These pictures represent my “before” but not my “after”, just my “current”. I am not done on this journey. I will continue working to improve my performance and strength. I will continue to make impossible goals and proceed to crush them! I am truly a better person in all aspects of my life, because of what Crossfit has given me. I have gained strength, determination, will power, and self-confidence. Last, but definitely not least is the community and friendship Crossfit offers. I have made friends will always be an important part of my life. There is simply no other exercise program or gym out there that offers what Crossfit can provide.


I jokingly say “Note to Self—Don’t begin Crossfit when you’re 60 years old”. But it really is just a joke. I did begin Crossfit when I was 60. I’ve been doing it for 17 months now. I cannot believe the changes in my life. I go three times a week, M/W/F at 6:00 a.m. (Join me!!) I’ve lost 25 pounds without even trying and I am significantly more strong and mobile than 17 months ago.  And remember, I’m aging at the same time! The community spirit and support everyone has shown me cannot be sufficiently described.  There is not one activity that cannot be scaled down to an individual’s strength and ability. Then, the activities begin to change as you get stronger. The coaches at Tribal are the best. In the beginning, if I thought I was a burden or that I was in the way, those thoughts were swiftly silenced! I’ve always been told that I’m part of the Tribe — and their actions     prove that statement!  I always look forward to walking in the door and seeing these youngsters around here….I’m so glad to be part of this Tribe!


The photo on the left was taken in late 2012 at a friend’s house as we celebrated Thanksgiving, this was at my heaviest ever (approximately 275lbs).  The photo on the right was taken at my in-law’s house in May of 2015 (approximately 210lbs).  The difference between the two has been my start at Tribal Crossfit in July of 2013.

Working alongside of the Crossfit coaches at Tribal, I have lost around 65 pounds and moved myself out of the range for multiple obesity related issues.  The coaches at Tribal are knowledgeable and friendly and when combined the gym’s atmosphere of camaraderie I have been able to get to where I am now. I am getting stronger and faster with almost every week; my friends, coworkers and family all see how much better I feel and look and I owe it all to the change in lifestyle that came along with starting at Tribal.


My journey in Crossfit has been interesting to say the least.   I took my first Crossfit class with a good friend of mine.  It was the worst workout of my life.  It was some crazy amount of sit ups, push ups, and squats for a few rounds.   I told my girlfriend that I was never going to do that again.

I decided in May 2013 to give it one more try.  I bought a few groupons and went from box to box to see if I would enjoy it before committing.

I took before photos because I really wanted to see if my body could really change and transform into what I thought it should look like.  My before pics are me at 145 lbs:

I ended up at Tribal Crossfit and have been there ever since.  The community is amazing and the people are welcoming.  The first year I realized that I was getting stronger each week and loving it.  I was addicted and went five (5) days a week and would not miss a class.  It took about a year and then I started to RX the WOD’s and really felt like I was getting a lot out of Crossfit, more than I did at any other gym.

As I was approaching about a year and a half, I felt like I was at the point where I needed to be challenged a little more, I needed to really push my body to its limits and commit to making a lifestyle change.

I went to Jeremey and explained the situation.  I want to get stronger, I want to get a strict pull-up and be completely prepared for the next Crossfit Open.  Jeremey set me up with a really great strength program.  I committed to six (6) weeks of hard work and about 8 plus hours at the box.    The next six (6) weeks I saw my strength go up, I got my strict pull-up, my mobility got better, my form and posture improved and the best part my body got leaner.  Over all  I had more confidence

The second image contains photos of me now – ten (10) lbs heavier but leaner and with more muscle tone.

I could not ask for better results and support from my tribal community.   They push me more than they realize and celebrate each accomplishment.  Tribal Crossfit has taught me that I don’t need to be a frumpy mom.  I am in the best shape of my life and will continue to work hard at this journey to be strong, better and faster than before.

I have now started Macro eating and started my second 6 week strength program to see what my body is capable of doing.  I will have updated photos at the end of this 6 weeks to share my journey.  My only hope is to inspire people to be the best they can be.  Strength in Numbers!!


Most of my life I was in in good shape, playing competitive rugby at a high standard but found myself being struck with injury and falling into a trap of a sedentary lifestyle and low exercise. I don’t think I ever realized how far I had gone. In my head I was still living the glory days of playing rugby around the world……… Then one day you step on the scale and it reads 300lbs. I researched CrossFit and saw the reviews that Tribal had on Yelp and Facebook, etc. I couldn’t find anyone who had a bad thing to say but what really struck me was how much everyone loved and appreciated the coaches. I took the jump, I was so nervous that I had to pick a date in which I would start. When that day rolled around I was probably more nervous than I had ever been in my life. But I promised I’d try it for two months and see what I thought. Well by day two I was hooked, I grabbed the largest glass of CrossFit kool aid and drank the whole thing. I started April 1st 2015 and my life was changed from that day on.

I had wandered the regular gyms trying to just getting through my workouts hating every minute of it, and thus not really seeing any real results from my efforts. I guess I was missing that team environment. Now almost everyday I experience a breakthrough of some kind or another.

Understand that there are no easy days in CrossFit.  This is not some fad workout or the next big celebrity sales farce, this is a past time built on the amazing support of others who are sharing in the experience and good old fashioned hard work.

It’s the weirdest thing to see the person who finishes last getting the biggest cheers, and the support system here is unlike anything you’ll find in any regular gym

Now almost a year later I’ve lost about 60lbs, but I don’t care about the weight, at the age of 28 I have my health back, I’ve lost that mindset of constantly making excuses for myself about injuries from years ago. My bad knees are non-existent, my sore back from where I broke it is gone! I can finally walk into a clothing store and know they will have my size, I no longer try to cover up my size with clothes too large for me. Once again I can stand tall.

Not only is CrossFit at Tribal helping me become the best version of myself, I’ve met some inspiring people and forged some amazing friendships. I’d say CrossFit is a journey towards a life of health and fitness.


I have never been “in shape” or athletic. At times in my life I have been in better or worse states of health. About 3 years ago I had hit a new low. I was the heaviest I had ever been and I needed a change. I wanted to be around when my kids grew up and be able to do active things with them now.  I found a workout partner and for a year I went to a big box gym 5 times a week sometimes twice a day. I lost 80 pounds and while I was losing weight I wasn’t seeing the changes in my body I was working so hard for, plus I was bored and needed a challenge. 

My wife suggested I try Crossfit though neither of us really knew anything about it. So June 1st 2014 I walked into Tribal with a 1 month trial membership. The first day the couch said we were going to do a fitness assessment. Afterword I was pretty sure I was gonna throw up. I was working out 5 times a week and running on the weekends and this sub 10 minute workout kicked my butt. I was hooked.
The secret of Crossfit is the support system. Even though class participants are at varying levels of strength and fitness you are all doing the same workout and pushing through barriers together. It builds bonds of friendship and accountability like no other workout. I know that people sincerely care about my success. And just as I feel supported I love cheering someone on as they achieve new goals.

I remember the first time the couch demonstrated a handstand push-up and then expected me to do it. It took weeks of work and practice which he patiently guided me through but now I can do them and that feeling is amazing.

 I’m still not where I want to be physically but the changes in my body and strength are amazing. I regularly get comments about how much I have changed. Since starting at Tribal I have also started running obstacle races. I can’t tell you how good it feels to run past guys 15 years younger and blow through obstacles they struggle with. At 40 I’m in the best shape of my life.

I have learned a lot about the mental as well as the physical aspects of fitness and have benefited greatly  from the expertise of the couches and others at the gym. Along the way I have also made some great friends.
Don’t be intimidated by Crossfit. As I have traveled and dropped in at other boxes I have been so impressed at how welcoming and warm the people at Tribal are. We’re all trying to succeed together come join us.


You know how people talk about their “ah-ha” moment when they realized that had to lose weight ? Well mine was after I saw the picture on the left . I weighed around 240 lbs in that picture on the right . I was in weird place in my life where I just quit my first real “good job” after college, ended a 4 year relationship that I lost myself in & moved back in with my mom. I was so ready for new things and that’s what sparked my move to another state. Once I was there, I took a chance after just being fed up with my obesity and bought a intro for a local CrossFit gym – Tribal CrossFit in Chandler, AZ. 

I was terrified ! I was nervous about being the heaviest and the slowest, but instead i was welcomed by an amazing community who taught me all the basics & showed my my true potential . I had never lifted before , I had never swung a kettlebell, I had never done a wall ball, but I was open to learning & quickly it just became part of my life. It’s now 2 years & 5 months since that picture was taken and 14 months since I walked into those 4 walls that I now call my second home . I have lost 85 pounds in total and getting stronger and faster every day . My message is : take charge of your life ! It’s yours and you can do whatever you want & the choice is ALWAYS yours.