Monday March 21, 2016

WOD: (done in 2 heats) CF Open 16.4    13 minute AMRAP RX                                                          Scaled 55 deadlift (225/155)                  55 deadlift (135/95) 55 wall balls (20/14) to 10’/9’   55 wall balls (20/10) to 9’/9’ 55 calorie row                              55 calorie row 55 handstand push ups              55 hand release push ups

Friday March 18, 2016

Strength: 3×8 press 3×8 front squat WOD: 7X 3 deadlifts with snatch grip 3 snatch Take about 1:00 between rounds to add weight If you let go of the bar before all 6 reps in the round are complete — do 10 burpees as penalty Record weight from last round as score