Friday June 12, 2020

Dynamic warm up (6:00): 2:00 squat hold                       adductionslunging spiderman                  lizard walkabductions                               pass throughs Gymnastics (9:00): 3X20 russian twists with KB20 side bends with KB Strength (20:00): Back squat6:00 warm up0:00 3 reps, 3:00 3 reps, 6:00 3 reps, 9:00 3 reps, 12:00 3 reps WOD (10:00): 6X7 handstand push ups7 box jumps (24/20)**9:00 time cap

Thursday June 11, 2020

Dynamic warmup (6:00): 4 bear complex w PVC            crab walkLunging push ups                    leg swingwalking RDL                             scorpion**bear complex: clean, front squat, push press, back squat, push press Gymnastics (10:00): 3X5 box jumps3 wall walks Strength (14:00): Press6:00 warm up0:00 4 reps, 3:00 4 reps, 6:00 4 reps WOD (15:00): 5 Bear complex at 50% body weight15

Wednesday June 10, 2020

Dynamic warmup (6:00): Toe grab squats                         figure four walkGallop                                          leg swingFrankenstein walk                     2:00 couch stretch Gymnastics (9:00): 3X5 standing broad jumps – land w/ quiet feet12 parallette pass throughs Strength (16:00): Bent over rows6:00 warm up0:00 8 reps, 4:00 8 reps, 8:00 8 reps WOD (14:00): 2:00 ME Assault bike1:00 rest2:00 ME Row1:00 rest2:00 ME

Tuesday June 9, 2020

Dynamic warmup (6:00): 2:00 squat hold                               AlligatorFrankenstein walks                         ScorpionButt kickers                                      Leg swing Gymnastics (9:00): 3X5 deck squats6 handstand push ups WOD (30:00): 25 minute AMRAP25 power clean (65/45)25 push up25 thruster (65/45)25 sit up 2:00 roll shoulders with lacrosse ball

Monday June 8, 2020

Dynamic warmup (6:00): Alternating toe touches           ostrich walkWalking RDL                               galloplateral lunges                             pass throughs Gymnastics (8:00): 3X60 second plank hold5 KB hip extensions Strength (20:00): Deadlift6:00 warm up0:00 3 reps, 3:00 3 reps, 6:00 3 reps, 9:00 3 reps, 12:00 3 reps WOD (11:00): 4X25 double unders10 overhead squat (95/65) 2:00 hamstring stretch