Friday June 5, 2020

Dynamic warm up (6:00): 3 bear complex                                crab walkInch worm                                       around the worldsOstrich walks                                   pass throughs Gymnastics (6:00): 3X5 air squat (feet wide)5 air squat (feet normal)5 air squat (feet together) Strength (17:00): Split Jerk6:00 warm up0:00 2 reps, 3:00 2 reps, 6:00 2 reps, 9:00 2 reps WOD (15:00): 40-30-20-10Medicine ball clean (20/14)Abmat sit

Thursday June 4, 2020

Dynamic warmup (6:00): 2:00 squat hold                      lizard walkadductions                              pass throughsabductions                               good morning’s w/PVC Gymnastics (9:00): 3X60 second plank hold12 hanging hip touches Strength (17:00): Floor Press6:00 warm up0:00 5 reps, 3:00 5 reps, 6:00 5 reps, 9:00 5 reps WOD (13:00): 4X15 deadlifts (95/65)10 hang power cleans (95/65)5 shoulder to overhead (95/65) Stretch/roll out

Wednesday June 3, 2020

Dynamic warmup (6:00): Toe grab squats                         figure four walkLateral gallop                              ostrich walkLunging spiderman                   leg swing WOD (38:00): 8:00 AMRAP10 handstand push up20 suitcase deadlift (53/35)30 double under -Rest 5:00- 7:00 AMRAP20 wall ball (20/14)12 kettlebell swing (53/35) -Rest 5:00- 6:00 AMRAP6 power snatch (115/75)12 pull up Stretch/roll out

Tuesday June 2, 2020

Dynamic warmup (6:00): 10 jumping squats                  figure four walkFrankenstein walk                  lungeswalking RDL                             Couch stretch Gymnastics (7:00): 3X20 second hollow body hold20 second superman hold20 second handstand hold Strength (17:00): Press6:00 warm up0:00 5 reps, 3:00 5 reps, 6:00 5 reps, 9:00 5 reps WOD (12:00): 27 calorie row21 toes to bar15 burpee box jump overs

Monday June 1, 2020

Dynamic warmup (6:00): 2:00 squat hold                          gallopLizard walk                                  pass throughsButt kickers                                 good mornings Gymnastics (8:00): 3X14 mountain climbers6 ring rows Strength (16:00): Back squat6:00 warm up0:00 5 reps, 4:00 5 reps, 8:00 5 reps WOD (15:00): JackieRow 1000m50 thruster (45/35)30 pull up Stretch/roll out