Friday May 29, 2020

Dynamic warm up (6:00): 2:00 squat hold                          alternating toe touchesLunges                                         alligatorlateral lunges                             walking RDL**bear complex: clean, front squat, press, back squat, shoulder press Gymnastics (9:00): 3X3 wall walks3 skin the cats Strength (17:00): Press6:00 warm up0:00 5 reps, 3:00 5 reps, 6:00 5 reps, 9:00 5 reps WOD (15:00): 10X6 box jumps (24/20) (step ups

Thursday May 28, 2020

Dynamic warmup (6:00): 10 jumping squats                          bear crawlOstrich walks                                   scorpionFigure four walks                            2:00 couch stretch Gymnastics (10:00): 3X20 russian twist (with kettle bell)3 box jumps (try to increase height each round) Strength (17:00): Overhead squat6:00 warm up0:00 3 reps, 3:00 3 reps, 6:00 3 reps, 9:00 3 reps WOD (12:00): 3XRow 250 m12 squat snatch

Wednesday May 27, 2020

Dynamic warmup (7:00): 6 bear complex w PVC            adductionsLunging push ups                    crab walkAbductions                               leg swing**bear complex: clean, front squat, press, back squat, shoulder press Gymnastics (12:00): 3X25 second superman10 toes to bar Strength (14:00): Bent over rows6:00 warm up0:00 5 reps, 3:00 5 reps, 6:00 5 reps WOD (12:00): 10 minute AMRAP5 handstand push ups10

Tuesday May 26, 2020

Dynamic warmup (6:00): 2:00 squat hold                          gallopLizard walk                                  pass throughsButt kickers                                 good mornings Gymnastics (9:00): 3X25 second L sit10 hip extensions Strength (17:00): Deadlift6:00 warm up0:00 5 reps, 3:00 5 reps, 6:00 5 reps, 9:00 5 reps WOD (14:00): 12 minute EMOM (alternating)40 double unders3 clean and jerk (135/95)**for scaled DU try bounding to work